Friday, March 6, 2009

The thing about coasters...

...Is that they are so essential but can be so difficult to buy. I was just not satisfied with buying overpriced coasters that fit my needs, or underpriced coasters that were terribly made and fairly unattractive. I know I know, they just go under your drink. But when they're not in use they're right out there on the coffee table for everyone to see.... so I guess they're pretty important.

Coasters are really not blogworthy... or are they? Well apparently I think they are.

Trendy cool coasters are pricey and cheap ugly ones are, well, cheap and ugly. A set of linen coasters on Crate and Barrel is about 35 bucks. You could buy a pair of linen pants and cut them up into squares for less than that.

After perusing etsy today, I found a great deal. Meghan Designs has an affordable, cool, handmade option for coasters! Why not give your drinks some artwork to sit on? Handmade coasters are so great.... why buy a set of coasters from a chain store when you can save some cash and buy from an artist? has given me hope for the future of awesome coasters. Hers are just 10 bucks, the same price as a set of poorly made manufactured coasters (multiple examples on multiple websites I will not name...)

Check out the shop... she has some great handmade items if you're not on the lookout for a deal on coasters today...

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